Tuesday, April 6, 2010

its coming to an end

I can't believe how fast this term went by. It's hard to believe that I only have 2 more terms before I start my clinicals. I am so excited for clinicals. I think they will be fun! I am nervous about my final project. I did my best and gave it my all. I am hoping for the best. Good luck to everyone with their papers as well! Next week I have finals in Honors Anatomy and Physiology 2. I am nervous about that...verrry nervous.

I am finally in San Antonio, TX. I will be here for the rest of this month then my boyfriend and I are going to travel to Louisiana. I will try to keep this thing updated and let you all in on our adventures. I hope everyone has a great journey with Kaplan. Wish me luck as well.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

almost time

hey everyone,
It's about that time for my boyfriend and I to start traveling. We are leaving tomorrow morning to head out to Texas. I am excited because I love going to new places but I also enjoy the time we have here at home. It is nice to just sit back and relax. I will be happy once we leave and get on the road. It is very stressful packing and making sure everything at home is okay and secure etc. I won't be back home until October for clinicals. That is a long time to stay away traveling. My boyfriend and I enjoy it though. You only live once!!

I hope everyone has a great week ahead of them. I will keep everyone updated on our adventures.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Its almost April :)

Hi everyone !

I can't believe how fast time flys. It is already almost April and almost time for this class to come to an end. I have had a busy busy week. I am moving out of one house and into another house. I am packing my things and my boyfriends things because we are leaving to go to Texas next week. So, I am rushing around moving all of my stuff into the new house before we leave to go to Texas. I have never been to Texas before so, I am excited to go there. The weather has been wonderful here in Florida :) (no rain!!)

Saturday, my boyfriend and I went to busch gardens it was very fun. I will have to upload pictures for everyone to see. I love going to busch gardens it is so close to our house but we only go like once a year.

Have a great week everyone!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010



I have had a very aggravating day but all in all a good week.

Oh yeah! I forgot to say hi :/ Let me start over

Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a pleasant week. My week all in all has been a good one. I stayed within my calorie range and had fabulous workouts. I even went on a couple of trail runs. Then today happened. To sum it up..today sucked.

I will tell you all about my day. I found out I have to stay here and babysit my sister n law and brother n law while my boyfriend and family go to Texas :( grrr. So, I have to stay here for 3 weeks without my boyfriend. That is like FOREVER when your 19 lol They are torturing me!!

Ok, so then my dad n law forgot to pick up my sister n law from school. So, I rushed out the house to get her and oh my gosh the highway I have to take to get there (US 41) was shut down all the way past here school (thats like 7 miles). There was a standoff in the middle of the highway because sdhfjdsf decided to rob a bank then try to commit suicide. So, the road was shut down for miles, traffic like crazy, for SIX WHOLE HOURS. They wouldn't let anyone get their kids from Land O Lakes High. So, it has been a very stressful evening.

I hope everyone enjoys there week. I am sure I will have a happier face on tomorrow after I get some sleep :)

Tomorrow is St. Patricks Day!!:) Can't wait to wear green :)


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

hi :)

hi everyone! How was your week? I'm back home (finally!) for about 3 weeks before I go to Texas and start traveling. I don't really have anything exciting to talk about lol I'm off work for a couple days after having to work 13 days in a row open to close :( that sucked big time. I caught up on all of the laundry today and actually had a home cooked meal that didn't involve a microwavable dinner lol I am looking forward to next week it will be much more relaxing. I plan on going to the mall and I want to go to the movies to see Alice in Wonderland with my boyfriend. I really want to go to Olive Garden too (love their soup, salad, and breadsticks mmmm!). I am going to enjoy my time off work before I have to go back and do it all over again lol I hope all you have a great week!


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

its March already!

Hi everyone,
I can't believe it is March already. Time sure is flying by fast. I am glad unit 4 is over and ready to move on with unit 5. Half way through yay! I had a better week than last week :) I found a baby kitty outside in this windy, cold, and rainy weather we have been having here in Florida so I took the kitty in. My boyfriend wasn't too happy about it when he got home and seen her. I am hoping with time he will adjust to her. I couldn't just leave her outside! I felt so bad for her and she was just sooo cute. She was digging through the trash looking for food and she is just a baby aww!! Soooo sad!!

I have been working a lot all week (ughh) so I am looking forward to next week when my schedule dies down. March... wow...already... CRAZY! I feel like Christmas just passed and we just celebrated New Years..

I hope everyone had a fantastic week! Talk to yall later :)


Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Hi everyone,
This has been the most stressful week I have had so far in 2010. I am falling behind with homework, working out, blogging, and sooo much more. I really need to go to sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow with a new happy attitude and get back to work. I have anxiety :( I will still worry about it and freak out over little things and then let it ruin my whole week. I need to work on that this year in 2010. I am so talkative but I never know what to say on this blog. It is going to become a place to vent lol

Anyways, I am in Orlando right now. I am watching a movie with my boyfriend. I am thinking about calling it an early night and catching up on some much needed sleep. Looking forward to a better week!
